Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's in the bag(s)

Ok... I'll bite,
What's in the diaper bag?

Dumping it out also gives the boys something to play with- not to mention I'm long overdue to clean out the various receipts and other "trash" that sneaks it's way into the bags when I'm not looking!!

It's a Baby Boom diaper bag (not new like my bag- see below)- started as Jackson's and has held up surprisingly well through both kids, although one of the velcro pocket closers is ripping-- as most diaper bags do, it's got lots of nifty hiding places...

warning picture this: you have a screaming infant and you're digging for a pacifier or a certain "special" toy, but which pocket did you put it in???-- having a LOT of cool pockets... only great if you put things back in the same place each time

On to the items in the bag:
Starting at top center and clockwise from there-- Wipes, disposable diapers--the really cheap ones for daytime (8), immunization card (that hasn't been updated since the three-month check up- good intentions to start with...oh well), OOH... there's my Belk coupon!!, some cards from Taylor's baby shower with all of his stats (in case I ever forget how much he weighed or his length at birth-- believe me it gets harder to remember after the first one!!), Shorts, two pairs of socks... hmm, I guess I need to add a shirt to the bag, scented diaper trash bags, A toy for Taylor to play the "UH-OH-watch-everyone-pick-up-my-toy-for-me game, a formula packet (only makes 4 ounces, but it's for a real- Mommy's shopping and the sale is too good to leave right now- emergency), Milicon- which is probably full because that stuff doesn't work, two pacifiers, nail clippers, lotion, Burt's bees (again from the Jackson era), athlete's foot creme, Neosporin, and Butt Paste.

NOW... My bag...
Got it on SALE at Belk this week, 75% off (the coupon above wouldn't work on it)-- Told Mike (the husband) that I was saving money by buying it now... Love It!!
  • Snack cup- no spill lid
  • Little spikey plastic toy (for Taylor)
  • Action figure from McD's (for Jackson)
  • screwdriver- flat head (I usually have a phillips head too-- nice to have with you!)
  • MAC lip gloss
  • lotion
  • gum
  • wallet
  • keys (car, mike's car, home, and MVP card)
  • NOT SHOWN- various receipts and a real estate guide-- I took this opportunity to throw them in the trash
Thanks for looking and prompting me to clean these bags out!!


  1. love it. i took this time to clean my bag out not shown was reciepts from the last FIVE grocery trips, and the lists. and some expired coupons. that i probably meant to use on said shopping trips, but couldn't find due to all the.....pockets. hahah

    glad you joined in on the fun =)

  2. wow you can fit soo much in there! Great work! Thanks for joining the blog hop!! :)
